![[Cover image]](//journals.iucr.org/logos/bigactaa.gif) | Welcome to the online submission service for Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances. If you have not used this service before, please first read the detailed online submission instructions You will be required to supply: - the text of your article as a single file
- your full contact details
- details of your article and a covering letter
- details of the authors of your article (surnames,
forenames and e-mail addresses of all authors)
- high-resolution graphics files for each figure and
chemical scheme, and supporting information (including a
CIF and structure factor or Rietveld data files
for structural papers), together with any other
supporting files you wish to submit
| Select a section for your submission:
Advances – rapid publication of high-impact articles ![[info]](//www.iucr.org/iucr-top/logos/info.gif)
Foundations – for all other submissions ![[info]](//www.iucr.org/iucr-top/logos/info.gif)
Special issues – for special issues follow the appropriate link below |
Context-sensitive help is available by holding your mouse over
underlined text in
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help icons ![[info]](//www.iucr.org/iucr-top/logos/info.gif) |